Wayang Kulit Programmes

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Wayang Kulit, a popular theatrical art form involving the use of shadow play and puppetry usually performed in Indonesia.

Wayang, meaning show/performance and Kulit, meaning skin, is simply a performance of puppets made from cow hide/skin.

The performance is accompanied by a gamelan troupe to further enhance the mood and setting whilst the dalang or puppetmaster tells the story.

Over the past few years, we’ve received plenty of requests from schools for Wayang Kulit to be part of the Mother Tongue Fortnight and while we have had a proper setup for Wayang Kulit brought down to the schools, for students to be wowed over, we also understood the challenges in conducting the programme for schools with budget being a sole concern.

The cost for a Wayang Kulit setup for a programme is costly as it requires major logistics even without a gamelan ensemble and even so, students could only afford to sit and watch as the puppets are too fragile and expensive to be played with the risk of damage.

As such, we innovated and developed our very own Wayang Kulit programme which is age-appropriate for students to undergo the process of learning, making and performing.

Through our Wayang Kulit programme, students will be given the opportunity to learn about the History and background of Wayang Kulit as well as be given the opportunity to make their own Wayang Kulit puppets with our very own ready-made puppets which allows students to simulate the process of assembly of puppets before finally learning how to perform it. Students can also take home the puppets with them!

For schools who gravitate more towards conducting programmes on their own, you can purchase our Wayang Kulit puppets and conduct your own lessons with it.

For more information on how to purchase your own Wayang Kulit puppets, email [email protected]

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